...a travel log and much more.

10 June 2006


I saw Al Gore's movie, "An Inconvenient truth" last night and I was blown away. I have "believed" for some time now that global warming was going to play a big role in the life of my generation. I even regularly check the news for heat waves and high temperature records being set around the world.

But only through this amazingly clear and illustrative movie did I gain a sense of urgency. The film is based on an educational presentation on global warming that Gore has been doing for years all around the world. Along with a full assessment of humanity's complicity in global warming, he tells the story of how this single issue has become a powerful force in his professional and personal life.

Gore takes time to address the arguments of global warming nay-sayers. The most shocking point he makes is that while not a single expert from a sample of academic works disagrees with the facts as they have been presented to date, 63% of public press refuses to recognize said facts as valid. Unbelievable.

After he shocks us with the facts as they've unfolded over the last 25 years, then silences the sceptics, he shows us the way out of this horrible progression of events. Each individual and household can make some of the most simple decisions to change how we contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.

These decisions are not difficult. They are not expensive. They may be inconvenient. But as Gore says it's either convenience or life on Earth.

And without the Earth...


Blogger SUNITI JOSHI said...

Well written. made a lot of sense. It's nice to see you blogging after a long time :)


1:36 AM


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